Obamacare Navigator Has Not Signed Up Anyone Because It's Too Expensive

Obama promised Americans that under Obamacare nobody..not one single person would lose their healthcare plan if they wanted to keep it.  And even as millions of people are having their plans taken away he keeps saying they are not.

Obama continues his lying about how much "affordable" Obamacare is for everyone. Even with overwhelming outcry across the nation about how rates are skyrocketing and how people are being forced to choose between rent and food vs health care.

If Obamacare is so "afforable" then why does this Obamacare navigator say that every single person who has come in has walked out the door after seeing the prices?

Al Jazeera speaks to an Obamacare navigator in Colorado who hasn't signed up anyone, not even one single person, for Obamacare because it's too expensive.

"So far, no one," says the Obamacare navigator. "Thus far everybody has taken a look at the rates and they've walked out the door.  There's sticker shock. They just can't afford it."

Obama and His Supporters Now Blaming the Insurance Companies for Obama's Lies

Let me start out by saying that I am in no way a fan of insurance companies.  However, not even I am buying the Obama Administration's latest pass the buck effort to now blame the insurance companies for Obama's broken promises and outright lies.

In the video below we see Megyn  Kelly attempt to get Rep. Frank Pallone to address the issue that millions of Americans are being told that their health care plans are being canceled due to Obamacare even though President Obama has repeatedly promised us all that "if you like your current plan you can keep it...Period".

Pallone refuses to ever address Kelly's question.  Instead he just repeatedly says that the policies that are being canceled are "lousy policies" and that people can get better policies for a cheaper price under Obamacare.

Not only are people losing their current plans that they were promised by Obama they would not lose, but the plans they are being forced to buy are anything but cheaper.

The fact is that the policies that are being canceled are being canceled because Obamacare requires a list of benefits that all health care plans must include for all Americans.  This list of benefits include Maturity Care and Mental Health Care.

So everyone including single men are required to have coverage to pay the cost of delivering the baby Obama seems to believe they will one day deliver.

After watching this video I can certainly see why Frank Pallone would consider coverage for Mental Health Disorders to be essential for himself and other Obamacare supporters who refuse to join the rest of us in reality but not everyone needs that coverage.

Former Democrat Staffer: "I Was Wrong to Defend Obamacare These Past Two Years"

Isn't it amazing how the tune changes when Democrats are forced to live under the same policies that they force on the rest of us?

Sue Klinkhamer has a problem. It’s called Obamacare.

And the irony of her situation is not lost on her. In a recent email addressed to her former boss, Illinois Congressman Bill Foster, and other Democratic colleagues, she wrote:
“I spent two years defending Obamacare. I had constituents scream at me, spit at me and call me names that I can’t put in print. The congressman was not re-elected in 2010 mainly because of the anti-Obamacare anger. When the congressman was not re-elected, I also (along with the rest of our staff) lost my job. I was upset that because of the health care issue, I didn’t have a job anymore but still defended Obamacare because it would make health care available to everyone at, what I assumed, would be an affordable price. I have now learned that I was wrong. Very wrong.”
For Klinkhamer, 60, President Obama’s oft-repeated words ring in her ears: “If you like your health plan, you will keep it.”

When Klinkhamer lost her congressional job, she had to buy an individual policy on the open market.
Three years ago, it was $225 a month with a $2,500 deductible. Each year it went up a little to, as of Sept. 1, $291 with a $3,500 deductible. Then, a few weeks ago, she got a letter.

“Blue Cross,” she said, “stated my current coverage would expire on Dec. 31, and here are my options: I can have a plan with similar benefits for $647.12 [or] I can have a plan with similar [but higher] pricing for $322.32 but with a $6,500 deductible.”

She went on, “Blue Cross also tells me that if I don’t pick one of the options, they will just assume I want the one for $647. … Someone please tell me why my premium in January will be $356 more than in December?”

Sticker Shock! Florida Woman's Rate Jumps From $54 a Month to $591

One Florida woman is going from paying $54 a month to $591 under Obamacare, CBS reports.

“For many, their introduction to the Affordable Care Act has been negative: A broken website, and now cancellation notices from insurance companies, followed by sticker shock over higher prices for the new
plans,” says a CBS reporter. “It’s directly at odds from repeated assurances from the president.”

Obama is quoted as saying, “If you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you.”

Watch the CBS report below:

Sebelius Is Asked Why Men Are Required To Purchase Maternity Coverage

Rep. Renee Ellmers questioned Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about the mandatory maternity coverage that is part of ObamaCare.

Specifically, she wanted to know why a single male would need an insurance policy that covers maternity care. This is a question that makes sense to everyone with a pulse rate who isn’t a Washington bureaucrat.

Sebelius informed Ellmers that, why yes, men absolutely get maternity coverage because insurance plans offer a suite of covered services and that just happens to be one of them.

The problem with that line of thinking, of course, is the same problem that exists whenever governments attempt to control the economy. Logic simply dictates that men don’t need maternity coverage. But it must be covered, for the greater good. Or something.

Ellmers shot back to Sebelius that this is, in fact, why insurance premiums are going up for people. They’re required to buy plans that cover services they don’t need.

Sebelius, for her part, couldn’t leave bad enough alone. “The individual policies cover families,” she said. “Men often do need maternity coverage for their spouses and for their families. Yes.”

“Single male, aged 32, does not need maternity coverage,” Ellmers replied. “To the best of your knowledge, has a man ever delivered a baby?”

That got laughs from around the chamber.

Have a look at the video below.

21 of the Best Comments Posted by Frustrated Americans on the Official Obamacare Facebook Page

The launch of Obamacare has been a complete and total nightmare so far.  The “online exchanges” are constantly crashing, there are endless glitches and delays, and many of the people that actually have been able to successfully register for an account are discovering that health insurance premiums under Obamacare are far higher than what they are used to paying.  In fact, as I wrote about the other day, some Americans that have had their old policies canceled by their insurance companies are discovering that their health insurance costs will double or even triple under Obamacare.  What a great “success”, eh?  Under Obamacare, Americans are going to pay more for health care, they are going to have more limited health care options, they are going to be subjected to much more paperwork, and if they choose not to participate in the system they are going to be hit with very punitive fines.  What’s not to like?

But despite all of the negatives, a lot of Americans were actually looking forward to October 1st.  Millions of Americans rushed to the “healthcare exchanges” to get signed up for health insurance.  But what they discovered was that the websites were not ready and were constantly crashing.

The system has been so bad that very few people are actually signing up for Obamacare.  So far, less than 1 percent of all visitors are actually signing up for health insurance.  In California, the rate is 0.58 percent.  In Connecticut, the rate is 0.59 percent.

One television station in Tennessee was not able to find a single person who successfully signed up for Obamacare.

Needless to say, there are a whole lot of very frustrated and very disappointed people out there right now.  The following are 21 of the best comments that have been posted on the official Healthcare.gov Facebook page so far…

21. “I am so disappointed. These prices are outrageous and there are huge deductibles. No one can afford this!”

20. “Good grief. Day three of trying and still can’t get on this website. The government KNEW about this thing going live for two years. TWO YEARS! And this is the best they could do? I shudder to think what’s going to happen once they are in control of my healthcare. They can’t even get their website functioning properly. If my business had rolled out a piece of crap that worked like this I’d be out of business.”

19. “How is it that Facebook, which is a non-essential social networking web site, can reliably handle BILLIONS of electronic interactions per second, but the Healthcare.gov site, which is literally the very heart of the Obamacare program wasn’t ready for the obvious millions of visitors that you had to know it would be receiving?”

18. “i’m just going to stop even bothering for a couple weeks or so… once the fervor dies down, hopefully i’ll be able to actually create an account!”

17. “The Federal Gov’t has ruined everything it has gotten involved in, does anybody really expect this healthcare disaster to be any different? Sorry, I’ll take the asinine fine.”

16. “And yet another day and several tries I once again keep getting nothing but a completely blank page after I log in. The top tab says ‘Successful URL’. Oh how ironic.”

15. “Didn’t these Feds ever have mothers that told them not to lie? Maybe they were raised in the wild. This system is trash. I can’t verify my identity or upload documents. Also what’s with Experian verifying ID’s? Don’t care for that at all.”

14. “I am a single mother of two, in school and working full time, living 75% below the poverty level and I DO NOT qualify for a healthcare subsidy”

13. “the website can’t verify my identity…the people at the experian verification number can’t verify my identity either….i tried to upload a scan of my driver’s license, and that won’t work either……very annoying process…….i’ve wasted 3 days on this junk.”

12. “if you’re stupid enough to put all your banking information in to the federal governments computers you are definitely part of the problem”

11. “Where the HELL am I supposed to get $3,000 more a year to pay for this “bronze” health insurance plan!?!??? And I DO NOT EVEN WANT INSURANCE to begin with!! This is frightening.”

10. “I have one question. What happens if I can’t afford the Affordable Health Care that you are cramming down my throat? I just ran your calculator, and if it is even close to accurate, I will have a choice…..I can pay my rent and buy groceries, or I can pay the health care premiums, move out into the streets and live under a bridge some where, and go hungry! Can I please get one of those exemption things that the President and Congress got?”

9. “I’ve been stuck at the security questions since 9am on October 1st”

8. “Death Panels. Yes. The red plan. It’s affordable. And painless!”

7. “Here in Austin, TX have gotten to login screen three times today, wait is getting shorter, but am still getting a blank screen after getting a quick ‘authenticating, please wait’ message at top left of screen, then nothing but a blank white page and no indication that the browser is waiting for the server to do anything. Attempts to refresh the screen sends me back to the please wait screen.”

6. “I finally got past the security question problem, got my account, my verification email, and when I went to log in, it said the information was invalid.”

5. “I want to know how I am expected to pay $300+ for this and still pay my bills when the only income is $710 a month from my husband’s SSI? Am i supposed to lose my home and water and electricity or go to jail because I can’t afford this?”

4. “Government forces people to pay a new tax.  People click on website to see how much this new tax will cost them.  Website crashes in the first hour. Government calls it a huge success.”

3. “I work a minimum wage job…how the heck can I afford health insurance and if the company doesn’t give full time? I am so angry right now…. I share housing with others because I can’t afford my own place… how do you expect people to afford obamacare if they barely get by from paycheck to paycheck????? I can’t afford a fine either! I think you are obligated to give the American people an answer and an explanation!”

2. “Y’all can kiss my butt. You got that? You want my bank account? I’ll close it. You put a lien on my house? Take it…and the mortgage too. Some things are worth fighting for, and freedom is one of them! I am sick and tired of the redistribution strategies of this socialist country and having my wages STOLEN to pay for them!”

1. The best comment was posted by a man named Will Sheehan with type 1 diabetes who was initially very excited to sign up for Obamacare.  But what he discovered while trying to sign up was absolutely horrifying…
I actually made it through this morning at 8:00 A.M. I have a preexisting condition (Type 1 Diabetes) and my income base was 45K-55K annually I chose tier 2 “Silver Plan” and my monthly premiums came out to $597.00 with $13,988 yearly deductible!!! There is NO POSSIBLE way that I can afford this so I “opt-out” and chose to continue along with no insurance.
I received an email tonight at 5:00 P.M. informing me that my fine would be $4,037 and could be attached to my yearly income tax return. Then you make it to the “REPERCUSSIONS PORTION” for “non-payment” of yearly fine. First, your drivers license will be suspended until paid, and if you go 24 consecutive months with “Non-Payment” and you happen to be a home owner, you will have a federal tax lien placed on your home. You can agree to give your bank information so that they can easy “Automatically withdraw” your “penalties” weekly, bi-weekly or monthly! This by no means is “Free” or even “Affordable.”
Is what Mr. Sheehan saying actually true?

I don’t know.  This is not the way that we were told things were going to work, but when was the last time our politicians actually told us the truth about anything?

The Obama administration has had a couple of years to get ready for the launch of Obamacare and this is the best that they could do?
That is frightening.
So have any of you tried to sign up yet?  If you have a story about Obamacare, please feel free to share it by posting a comment below…

Are Obamacare Supporters Really as Stupid as the Act?

I realize that there was obviously enough people in the country who didn't want to be called a racist to elect Obama not once but twice (of coarse many of those were illegal aliens who should not have been allowed to vote). 

And I realize that many people were blinded by Obama's "promises" about what the Affordable Health Care Act was all about.  Since nobody, not even congress, was allowed to actually see what was in the Act before it was passed, Obama's promises were all anyone had to go on.

But now that the facts are out, now that premiums are skyrocketing, now that people are losing jobs and losing hours, now that even more people than before will not be able to afford health insurance, and now that it has been made painfully clear that Obamacare is nothing but a control system to force every American citizen to buy a private sector product or face a tax/fine if they don't want or can't afford it...how can it be possible that anyone would still support this complete disaster?

I have noticed that anytime I share a post from this blog to any facebook page, there are a handful of people that immediately start slamming me in the comments of that post.  And it's always the same people and no matter what time of day or night that I post, they are right there within seconds. 

Now first of all the fact that they begin commenting within seconds proves that they don't ever actually click on or read the story that is being posted.  They just see that it is in opposition to the Obamacare law and start commenting.  And most of the time there comments are not in anyway related to the subject of the actual post they are commenting on. 

I even had one person argue with me at great length trying to convince me that the individual mandate in Obamacare was just a "GOP Lie" and that not only was Obamacare completely free for everyone but that is was completely optional and anyone who did not want it would not face any penalties.

Another common theme by these people is to label me and everyone who opposes Obamacare as a "Tea Bagger".  Which is kind of funny in and of itself.  For one I do not consider myself a member of the Tea Party, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.  I am simply and American citizen who is speaking up and defending my personal rights and freedoms.  Is it really so strange to these people that people can be for or against a law without labeling themselves into a particular political party?

Now either this handful of people never sleep and have nothing better to do with their time but troll facebook forums and blogs in an attempt to go out of their way to redefine the very concept of stupidity.


These accounts are being manned by multiple people who are being paid by the Obama Administration to spread propaganda and try to discredit anyone who speaks out against the administration or it's train wreck of a law.  Considering that the Obama Administration just paid an NFL team $130,000 of tax payer dollars to advertise Obamacare, I think that it is at least possible.

Now I'm not saying that every single person on facebook that supports Obamacare is a  paid Obama employee.  Some of them really are just stupid.  But when you see the same accounts commenting propaganda and repeating Obama's sales pitches which are clearly lies and have been proven so, then you have to ask yourself what else is going on other then simple stupidity.

GOP: Obamacare Concerns About More than Website Glitches

By: Sandy Fitzgerald
via: newsmax.com

The Obamacare website's problems are getting most of the headlines and complaints, but the president's health care program has far more issues than just a few website glitches, Rep. Fred Upton says.

"The broken healthcare.gov website has captured the nation’s attention, but this is more than a website problem," the Michigan Republican, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said in Saturday's GOP address.  "We are also concerned about what happens next."

Story continues below video:

President Barack Obama, in his own weekly address,  acknowledged the problems with the website, saying that there are people working "overtime" to fix its glitches., which have made it difficult for customers to sign on, get accurate costs for their new insurance policies and completing enrollment before the program's Jan. 1 deadline.

Obama said the site's problems are "frustrating for all of us who have worked so hard to make sure everyone who needs it gets health care."

Upton, though, said the site's issues are just part of the "troubled rollout of the law with its broken promises, missed deadlines, delays, special waivers, and now website crashes." And even though hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent, Upton complained, the website still does not work for most people.

"At a time when we can do everything from ordering a pizza, flowers, or airline tickets, or banking and paying bills, [people] expect the same reliable service from healthcare.gov – and it’s still not ready for primetime," said Upton.

Further, in the months leading up to the site's Oct. 1 launch, the administration and the website's contractors appeared before Upton's committee, "looked us in the eye, and assured us repeatedly that everything was 'on track,' except that it wasn't."

Upton said the site's glitches are making Americans wonder what will happen next.

"Will enrollment glitches become provider payment glitches?" he asked. "Will patients show up at their doctor’s office or hospital only to be told they aren’t in the system? And is the personal information Americans provide as part of the enrollment process safe from cyber hackers and identity theft?"

Upton also wondered how the administration can punish people by forcing them to buy a product they can't afford from a system that doesn't work. Further, he said, "millions of Americans are receiving unwelcome notices that their [insurance] plans are being terminated," which is not what the health reform law promised.

Upton cheered a bipartisan call for the individual healthcare mandate to be delayed so that Americans won't be punished for not being able to buy insurance through the broken system.

"The business mandate was delayed, and it’s only fair that individuals and families receive the same treatment," said Upton. "Likewise, we should look for bipartisan solutions to allow Americans to keep their current insurance. After all, that was President Obama’s solemn promise during the health care debate."

Obama on Saturday said the site has been visited more than 20 million times, and that nearly 700,000 people have applied for coverage, showing the high demand for affordable healthcare.

"And that's why, in the coming weeks, we are going to get it working as smoothly as it's supposed to," Obama said. "We've got people working overtime, 24/7, to boost capacity and address these problems, every single day."

But Obama on Saturday said it was interesting Thursday to see Republicans taking turns bashing the administration while demanding accountability for the website during a House hearing.

"It was interesting to see Republicans in Congress expressing so much concern that people are having trouble buying health insurance through the new website, especially considering they've spent the last few years so obsessed with denying those same people access to health insurance that they just shut down the government and threatened default over it," the president said Saturday.

But he agreed he will work with opponents to improve the law, but "it's well past the time for folks to stop rooting for its failure."

And even though people have "poked fun at me this week for sounding like an insurance salesman," Obama said, "I'd still be out there championing this law even if the website were perfect."

Marine Exposes Homeland Security Military Build Up

A city council meeting in Concord, New Hampshire erupted in applause after retired Marine Col. Pete Martino issued this dire warning about the U.S. government using local departments to build a standardized "domestic army" right before our eyes.

The meeting, which took place in August, has since gained the former colonel national attention for his efforts.

I for one am not blind and I share Mr. Martino's frustration when I see people blinding following Obama care no matter where he takes us.  What is it going to take for people to wake up in this country?

Honest Obamacare Operator gets fired while Sebelius keeps her job and says she doesn't work for the American People

Earlier this week radio host Sean Hannity called the Obamacare hotline and spoke with an operator.

That operator, Earline Davis, was very pleasant on the phone and answered all of Hannity's questions including when Hannity asked her is she had spoken with anyone that actually like it.  Earline Davis was honest and said that nobody liked it.  The very next day she was fired from her job.

Sean Hannity stepped up to help Earline after she was wrongfully fired by our corrupt government and had her on his television program where he offered her a check to cover her salary for a year.  He also set up a hotline to help Earline find another job.

So an honest hard working woman gets fired for being honest.

But at the same time, Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius gets to keep her job after lying through her teeth to the American people and spending $634 Million dollars on a website that doesn't work for a program that the American people don't want.

Sebelius responded to the outcry of people calling for her resignation by saying...
"The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people that I don't work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place."
Ok, her salary is paid with American Tax payer dollars but she does not believe that she works for the Americans who are paying her salary?  I guess is the current administration that probably makes sense to her.

VIDEO: $80 Million spent to prepare for possible riots on Nov 1st

On November 1st the federal food stamp program is set to start decreasing the amount that is allocated to food stamp recipients.  Many people will see their food stamps go down by $36 a month starting on November 1st.

In preparation for this, the Department of Homeland Security is spending $80,000,000 to protect the I.R.S. and other government buildings in New York because they believe this will trigger mass riots and civilian uprising.

Ok, I guess the obviously first question would be ... if we can afford to spend $80,000,000 for armed guards then why are we taking food away from the poorest people in the country?

I have seen numerous stories over the past several months suggesting that the Obama administration is planning to declare Martial Law in this country as a step in Obama's plan to assume a dictatorship.

Now I don't know if a $36 reduction in food stamps will actually cause anyone to go out and riot in the streets but the mere fact that the Obama Administration is actually doing something that they themselves predict will lead to mass riots to the point that they are spending $80,000,0000 in preparation for an armed military response against American Citizens is a pretty scary prospect.

Senate Democrats scamble to save thier jobs while Obama continues to ignore the will of the American People

President Obama took it upon himself to delay the Employer Mandate in Obamacare which requires employers with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance for those employees.  However, he refused to implement the same one year delay on the individual mandate that requires those very same employees to have health insurance or face a fine from the I.R.S.

When House Republicans had enough common sense to push for a one year delay of the individual mandate, both Obama and the Senate Democrats where willing to close down the government and threaten a US default in their absolute refusal to allow such a delay even as the national exchange website for Obamacare was rolled out and was clearly a complete disaster.

With mounting anger and opposition against Obamacare boiling up all across the nation, these same Senate Democrats are starting to change their tune about delays for the legislation.  Could that be because they are up for re-election next year?

Several Democratic senators are calling on the Obama administration to delay enforcement of the health care law’s individual mandate, joining their Republican colleagues in saying it would be unfair to penalize Americans for failing to buy insurance when the primary sign-up website doesn’t work.

If only someone had suggested this sooner...you know like maybe some of the House Republicans  ... oh wait...THEY DID!

These democrats are clearly hoping that by calling for a delay in Obamacare they will be able to hold onto their seats after next years election so that they will still be in place to stop any attempt to fully repeal this disastrous law.

Not surprisingly, the White House isn't budging yet on the proposed delay.  White House Deputy Press Secretary Ed Schultz tweeted:
"The individual mandate timing has not changed.  The deadline for signing up for insurance is March 31. It was true this am.  It is true tonight"
So even as Senate Democrats scramble to cover their political backsides, Obama continues with his "I don't care what America wants" attitude.

Is CNN actually starting to be truthful in their reporting?

It has been a very long time since we have seen anyone in the mainstream media show the slightest interest in telling the truth on anything but especially on Obamacare.   Lately, it seems that anything we see in the mainstream media is a scripted sales pitch for Obamacare written by Obama himself.

However, in his show, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper reported not only about the bugs in the Obamacare website but also went over to a reporter who talked about how the law is actually hurting, rather than helping the American people.

This came just one day after the President delivered a Rose Garden propaganda sales pitch on Obamcare.  Obama went out of his way to talk about how the law is a really good thing, despite the glitches in the website and he came across as more of a desperate used car salesman then the Nation's leader.

In Anderson's report, one family and two individuals talk about how the law will adversely affect their finances.  In other words, for these people, the Affordable Care Act isn't affordable at all.

Take a look at the video below:

Now of coarse this is not a new development and the three examples in Anderson's report are certainly not the first nor will they be the last people to be affected by this train wreck.  But the fact that Obama's lap dogs are at least starting to report the truth of the situation is a good sign.

Perhaps some of the Obama followers who only listen to the main stream media will start to wake up...maybe?

VIDEO: Obama says the only thing in Obamacare that needs to be fixed are the "Cash Registers"

Today Obama delivered a speech on the current state of Obamacare.  Actually, it was more like a sales pitch.

And as usual it was filled with complete lies claiming how good and "Affordable" Obamacare is and how everybody wants this because it is so great.

But he did manage to slide is a little bit of truth about his intentions with the disaster of a law when he says that everything in Obamacare is working as intended except for the "cash registers" and the "check out lines".

He doesn't care that the overwhelming majority of the people in the country have been screaming at him that they don't want this.  He doesn't care that the cost of health insurance have skyrocketed because of Obamacare. And in fact he bold faced lied about that very fact and is still trying to claim that the cost of health care is cheaper when the facts are out and they clearly are not.

And as an additional slap in the face of American, he even tries to claim that he has a team of "the Best IT talent" in American working to fix his broken website.  When in fact the only people that he has for this website is a foreign company who he paid $634 Millions.

As an American IT expert, I for one am insulted that he would try to claim that any American in the industry is responsible for this disaster.

I did however like that he gave out the main number to call for Obamacare though...you know the number that comes out to 1-800-FUCKYOU.

Watch the video below:

"It's a Damn Disaster!" Judge Jeanine Rips Apart Obamacare Rollout and Welcomes Us to "The land of Oz..."

Judge Jeanine Pirro is at her best in this newly released video ripping apart Obamacare and the “bozo’s” in Washington DC while welcoming us to ‘the land of Oz’.

With Obamacare ‘navigators’ never having to go through ANY basic background checks or fingerprinting themselves, will YOU be giving them private information such as your social security number, knowing that Obamacare ‘navigators’ can have outstanding warrants and criminal convictions?
 "This isn't just a glitch....It's a Damn Desaster!"
 "But the real shame is what this is going to do to the future of our kids already drowning in a Trillion Dollar National Debt...our kids who now get to pay for this Unholy Obamacare Debacle! "

Dennis Miller tells small business owners to fire Obama supporters

In this radio program Dennis Miller advises business owners that if they are forced to cut hours and or fire employees due to the impact of Obamacare, then it is the Obama supporters that should be fired.

I couldn't agree more!

Obama and his supporters have made it painfully clear that they do not care about the millions of lives that are being completely destroyed by Obamacare.  So it only makes logical sense that they should be the ones that lose their jobs as a result since they are the ones supporting this disaster.

Federal Workers Furloughed During Shutdown Get Double Pay

By now any sane person knows that the government shutdown occurred because Obama and the Senate refused to let go of Obamacare even though the American people have made it clear that we don't want it.

If you’ve been reading the news today, you’ve probably heard that the shutdown cost the government an extra $29 billion. That’s a head-scratcher, of course. If the government wasn’t working, how can it cost more? Surely it can’t cost $29 billion to do battle with 80 and 90 year old men at the World War II Memorial?

You’re right. Even President Spiteful’s machinations weren’t that expensive, although it can’t have been cheap to print signs and set up barriers all over America’s national parks. The real expense comes about because the 17% of the federal workforce that sat at home (or partied) the last two weeks got an extra two weeks’ paid vacation this year.

Yes, you read that right: It was a fully paid vacation, thanks to a unanimously passed House bill that promised to give the furloughed worker all their back pay, as if they actually had been laboring on behalf of the American people. American taxpayers are paying both for work that was done, or should have been done, and work that was not done.

But that’s only the beginning. Some workers didn’t just get an extra paid vacation. Instead, they’ve really hit the jackpot, although states, not the federal government, will be bearing this cost. According to Fox News, furloughed workers in Oregon are in line to receive double pay for their off time. The reason is that Oregon’s federal workers were able to obtain state unemployment benefits during the shutdown. Where the fun comes in for them is that they’re not going to have to be required to repay either Oregon or the federal government. It’s free money (if you ignore the fact that taxpayers are paying for it.)

It’s entirely possible that this same pattern will apply in other states. For example, during the shutdown, New Mexico reports that one-third of its new unemployment claims came from furloughed federal employees. In addition, Washington, D.C., and Maryland, which are federal employment hubs, paid out millions in unemployment benefits to furloughed workers.

Now I ask you, what about the millions of Americans in the private sector that have been permanently fired or had their hours cut because of Obamacare?

We the people - Petition to Repeal Obamacare

I just started a petition on "WE the PEOPLE" .  100,000 signatures is what is needed to require the Obama Administration to give an official response to the petition.  Click on the image above to sign the petition.

Now many of you are probably saying "well, we know what his response is going to be" and your right.  But let's get as many signatures as we can and force him into a position to publicly ignore the will of the people.

He will no longer be able to say that he is doing what the American people want by forcing Obamacare down our throats when he has a petition on his desk with Millions of votes demanding that it be repealed.

We only have one month to get the signatures so don't just sign it and move on.  Help spread the word and share this petition everywhere you can and with everyone you can.

Let's make our voices heard  and keep making them heard until this train wreck of a law is no more.

Obama: "All of Us Need to Stop Focusing On The Bloggers..."

In a speech today, Obama shows his fear for the voice of the America people.  This aspiring dictator wants everyone to stay focused on his media lap dogs who only report on what he tells them to report on and only with the lies he and his staff give them.

Of coarse he would not want anyone to listen to the voices of the actual American people.

From today's speech:
"...Our system of self-government doesn't function without it.  And now that the government has reopened and this threat to our economy is removed, all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do, and that's grow this economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, educate our kids, lay the foundation for a broad-based prosperity and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul.  That's why we're here.  That should be our focus."
He says that we need to "focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do" while at the same time completely ignoring the overwhelming majority of Americans that have been shouting at the top of their lungs.."WE DON'T WANT OBAMACARE"...and in the same sentence saying that everyone else should ignore those voices as well.

He claims to be concerned about "growing the economy, creating good jobs, and strengthening the middle class" when Obamacare is destroying the economy, eliminating jobs, and killing Americans not just the middle class.

It's clear Obama sees us "bloggers" as a threat.  So keep those blog post coming my fellow bloggers.

And to everyone reading these blog posts...don't just sit there and say..."yeah I agree with that" and move on.  Join in the fight...share these blog posts.  Help spread the message and make YOUR voice heard!

Make it clear that you are not going to believe Obama's Lies anymore.

VIDEO: This War is Far From Over

While Dictator Obama may have won the shutdown battle and kept the Obamacare rope around the necks of every single American citizen,  the war on Obamacare is not over.

As one of the millions of Americans negatively affected by Obamacare I would like to personally thank all of the people who have been fighting and vow to continue to fight against this train wreck of a law. 

I already posted a story and video where Ted Cruz vowed to continue the fight against Obamacare.

In this video we see Senator Mike Lee making it very clear that while a battle has been lost...the war is not over.

I for one will never give into Obama's tyranny.  I will never accept this dictatorship that is being forced down our throats.  Will You?

If you are NOT a spineless kool-aid drinking Obamacare supporter ...  If you still believe in freedom and believe that it is something worth fighting for ... if you refuse to blindly follow a dictator then don't give up the fight.  Like and share us on facebook and help spread this message.  It's time for America to WAKE UP!

VIDEO: Obama Claims He Cut Deficit in Half, Gets Exposed as Liar!

The truth behind Obama's fuzzy math.

Obama likes to make himself look good for his kool-aid drinking fans.  But on this day, he fell short as Fox News did some fact checking.

President Obama says...

"Since I took office, we've cut the deficit in half..."
Take a look at this video and see if the Obama's statement holds up to the facts:

But I guess math just isn't Obama's strongest subject.

This is the man who seems to think we have 60 states in America.

This is also the man who promised that health insurance premiums would go down under Obamacare.  And by go down, it seems he meant they would go up as much as 400%.

Video: Ted Cruz - The Fight Against Obamacare Must Continue

Today, the Senate has announced a deal that is a massive defeat for limited government and the effort to defund or delay Obamacare.

Ted Cruz has announced that this is NOT the end.  This is just the beginning of the war to protect Americans, protect the economy, and destroy the Obamacare disaster.
"If the American people continue to rise up, I believe the House with continue to listen to the American people...and I hope in time that the Senate begins to listen to the American people also..."

"...what matters more than any politicians in Washington is all of the people across this country who are hurting right now..."
 "President Obama promised the American people Obamacare would lower your health insurance premium, I would venture to say virtually every person across this country has seen exactly the opposite happen"
"President Obama promised the American people, if you like your health insurance you can keep it.  We now know that statement was flat out categorically false"
See what else Ted Cruz had to say:

Over time, it will be obvious that we were all correct about Obamacare.  Real people will suffer, the truth will come out, and Obamacare will be eventually defeated.

The only requirement is that we don't give up - we have to keep fighting.  Spread this message on Facebook and Twitter.  Liberty isn't for the lazy or weak-hearted.  It's for those who will keep fighting even after set backs and losses.

Retired Army officer warns: DHS preparing for war against American citizens

Terry M. Hestilow, a retired United States Army Captain from Fort Worth, Texas, posted a letter on Facebook that he wrote to Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, warning that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing to go to war with the citizens of the United States.

"It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America," his letter began.

The retired officer expressed deep concerns over "recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems."

Capt. Hestilow added a statement that Barack Obama made during his 2008 campaign.
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military],” he said.
He also accused the administration of "deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense," which he said is the "only legitimate agency" with the mission of conducting combat operations.

In his letter, Capt. Hestilow called on Congress to demand that the DHS surrender their weapons systems to the Defense Department. He also accused the DHS of enforcing the "tyrannical acts of this president" and said lawmakers should dissolve the agency "as soon as possible."

"One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of a nation," he added.

Capt. Hestilow said that Americans cannot "be so naïve" as to think that what happened in Germany cannot happen here.

Earlier in the week, Capt. Hestilow asked his Facebook followers who the DHS intends to kill with the weapons and ammunition that it has recently purchased.

"Short answer," he wrote. "You and me! Anyone they think is standing in their way to impose a new Marxist government! Anyone who stands for the U.S. Constitution!"

"If I live and still have a page to speak out on later this week, I will discuss a proper Constitutional response in a couple of days. Standby. Out," he wrote on Thursday.

Capt. Hestilow ended his strongly-worded letter with a simple declaration: "We refuse to surrender our Constitution or our nation!"

Pregnant couple had to SELL CAR, disconnect cable because of Obamacare

Here is just one example of the effects of Obama's so called "Affordable Health Care Act" is having.  Having a baby should be a time of joy but under Obamacare is comes with a punishment.

A pregnant couple in Michigan has had to sell their car and disconnect their cable because Obamacare is forcing them to pay another deductible in 2014. Normally their $5,000 deductible would expire next April, after they’ve had their first child. And they’ve already spent the $5,000 needed to fulfill that deductible. But thanks to Obamacare resetting everything in 2014, they will now be forced to come up with another deductible of $5,000 at the beginning of the new year and their pregnancy still won’t be covered 100% like it would have been under her current insurance.

Healthcare.gov outsourced to Foreign company, No Competitive Bidding

We already know that Healthcare.gov, Obamacare's national exchange website, has already cost American tax payers $634 Million.  A website that has been described by IT professionals as "the IT failure of the Century" and "a hackers web dream". 

What you may not know is that the company that was given the contract (CGI Federal) is not even based in the United States. They are a U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian IT firm.  In case you have never heard of CGI Federal, it doesn't have the best track record.  The company was terminated by Ontario provincial government officials for repeatedly missing deadlines and failing to produce an online medical registry for diabetes sufferers and treatment providers.

To make matters even worse, the contract for Healthcare.gov was never put through a competitive public bidding process in order to consider multiple contracts.  American IT firms were never given the opportunity to even bid on the contract.  Instead it was simply handed over to a foreign company and no one will say why:
 “CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened.
 They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building Healthcare.gov, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal,” [Washington Examiner investigative reporter Richard] Pollock reports.
“Instead, it appears they used what amounts to a federal procurement system loophole to award the work to the Canadian firm,” Pollock said.
CGI was on of 16 firms approved by HHS back in 2007 to be awarded "task orders" under "a little-known federal contracting system called ID/IQ, which is government jargon for 'Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity,'" so there's absolutely no reason why CMS shouldn't have considered anyone else, especially considering CGI's checkered past.  But again, no one on either side is talking.

And we are suppose to believe that Obama cares one bit about American jobs when he hands $634 Million to a foreign company just to create a website?

Obamacare Shock: $12,600 Deductible, 40 Percent Co-pay, zero competition

by Paul Bedard
via Washington Examiner

Many Americans shopping for better health insurance deals promised by the two-week-old Obamacare system are instead being slapped with rate shock, including savings-sapping deductibles and co-pays, according to multiple reports from around the country.

For some able to get the problem-plagued Obamacare website to work, the so-called “deals” the system is coughing up around the country include $12,600 deductibles, co-pays of up to 40 percent, zero competition, and rate hikes of 260 percent.

The huge cost increases that some Obamacare applicants are seeing are feeding the effort in Congress to change the system and delay implementation.

"This is why we've been working so hard to dismantle and repeal this bill, so that we can begin to pass step-by-step reforms that transform the health care delivery system by putting patients in charge, giving them more choices, and reducing the cost of health care so that more people can afford it,” said Tennessee Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander.

The top Republican on the Senate health committee has collected several official and media reports of the Obamacare horror stories Americans have encountered so far. They include:

-- A $12,600 deductible. CNNMoney reported that one family “found a bronze-level plan for roughly $357 a month, after their subsidy, which they could swing. But it comes with a $12,600 family deductible.”

-- Enormous rate increases. A research group found that a 30-year-old male nonsmoker “will see his lowest cost insurance option increase 260 percent.”

-- Some who already buy their own insurance are receiving cancellation notices -- and offers for expensive new policies. The Christian Science Monitor reported on a North Carolina family who had been buying Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance for $380-a-month. “BCBS is offering them a new plan for three times the cost, $1,124.50 a month, still with an $11,000 deductible,” reports the paper.

-- A California couple said that the Obamacare policy suggested to them included a 40 percent increase in their doctor's office co-pay. “Our co-pay skyrocketed from 0 percent to 40 percent and the maximum out-of-pocket increased an additional $2,300,” according to a letter in the Fresno Bee.

-- Kaiser Health News found a lack of competition in some pockets of the country. “Eighteen percent of counties have only one insurer offering plans and 33 percent of counties have only two insurers competing.”

— There is little uniformity to premiums charged around the nation. “For instance,” Kaiser also reported, “Cigna is offering 50-year-olds one of its midlevel plans for $614 if they live in Flagstaff, Ariz. That same plan, contracting with different hospitals and doctors, will cost $428 in Phoenix and just $395 in Nashville.”

Obamacare Website: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy"

The launch of the federal government's Obamacare insurance exchange, Healthcare.gov, has been plagued with delays, errors, and poor website design, even prompting the USA Today to call it an "inexcusable mess" and a "nightmare".

Well, here is another example of why the website's reputation is in question.  Buried in the source code of Healthcare.gov is the sentence that could prove embarrassing: "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system."  Though not visible to users and obviously not intended as part of the terms and conditions, the language is nevertheless a part of the underlying code for the "Terms & Conditions" page on the site.

It reads:

"You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data tansiting or stored on this information system. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, intercept, and search and seize any communication or data trasiting or stored on this information system.  Any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose."
Now I have seen people on Facebook completely lose their minds whenever a change to Facebook's privacy policy comes out for fear that the picture they uploaded of the family dog licking his balls might somehow show up in a search for somebody.

But here we have a site that requires you to give them the most private information including the names and social security numbers for every member of your houshold, you bank account numbers, credit card numbers, your physical address and so on. 

Not only is it saying that any government body will have access to this information without a court order or due process, but this very same site has been described by IT professionals as "a hacker's web dream".

Think about that and let it really sink in.

LIST: 313+ Employers Who Have Cut Hours Because of Obamacare

President Obama, the Senate as well as their main stream media lap dogs would have you believe that Obamacare is not having a negative impact on the economy or on jobs.

With Obamacare not even fully implemented yet, the evidence is overwhelming already that The so called "Affordable Health Care Act" is Barack Obama's greatest failure.  And that is saying something.

Obamacare is being protested by the unions.  It's causing the deficit to increase by $6 trillion.  It's causing insurance premiums to skyrocket up to as much as 400%.  And over 40% of small business's have stopped hiring altogether.  I don't know about you but I would call that a failure for the American people.

Thanks to Inverstors Business Daily, we now have a list of over 300 employers who have cut hours because of Obamacare.  Please note that this list is being updated constantly...it's getting worse by the day.

  1. Houston County
  2. Biola University
  3. Bealls Inc. (Department Stores)
  4. SeaWorld Entertainment
  5. Palmer Place Restaurant
  6. Salina Family YMCA
  7. Middletown Township Public Schools
  8. Sam Houston State University
  9. Auburn Hills
  10. Friendship Community (group home for adults with disabilities)
  11. Meridian Public Schools
  12. Michael Monti’s La Casa Vieja steakhouse
  13. Hollywood Casino
  14. Arizona State University
  15. Mainesubway (Subway franchisee)
  16. Finger Lakes Community College
  17. Tsunami Surf Shops
  18. Southern Illinois University
  19. Vincennes
  20. Mexican American Opportunity Foundation
  21. Georgia Military College
  22. Vcm Inc. (Subway franchisee)
  23. Ball State University
  24. Tom’s River
  25. Forsyth Technical Community College
  26. Wilkes Community College
  27. Consolidated Restaurant Operations Inc
  28. Dave & Buster’s
  29. Philadelphia University
  30. K-VA-T Food Stores
  31. Three Rivers College
  32. Bergen Community College
  33. University of Alabama
  34. Brevard County
  35. Buca di Beppo restaurant chain
  36. Hillsborough Community College
  37. St. Petersburg College
  38. Cherokee County School Board
  39. Hancock County
  40. Morgan County
  41. Central Michigan University
  42. NEMF trucking company
  43. Henderson
  44. White Castle
  45. Shari’s restaurants
  46. Carnegie Museum
  47. Oneida Special School District
  48. Scott County School System
  49. Stewart County School System
  50. Jim’s Restaurants
  51. Christoper Savvides restaurant & catering co.
  52. Minocqua-Hazelhurst-Lake Tomahawk School District
  53. Trig’s Supermarkets
  54. University of North Alabama
  55. Fatburger
  56. Lee County
  57. Delta County
  58. Bee County
  59. Boundary County
  60. Rutherford County
  61. Lawrence County
  62. Kenowa Hills Public Schools
  63. City of Burlington Public Schools
  64. Lion & Rose British Restaurant and Pub
  65. MTC Inc. restaurant management
  66. Millard School District
  67. Pulaski Technical College
  68. San Diego Community College District
  69. Drury University
  70. Cumberland University
  71. Area Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas, Inc.
  72. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
  73. CKE Restaurants Inc.
  74. Kern County
  75. Rancho Cucamonga
  76. San Gabriel
  77. Palm Beach State College
  78. Santa Fe College
  79. Tallahassee Community College
  80. Parkland College
  81. Clay County
  82. DeKalb County
  83. Eastbrook Community Schools
  84. Floyd County
  85. Highland
  86. Indiana University
  87. Ivy Tech Community College
  88. Kosciusko County
  89. Lakeview Christian School
  90. Madison Consolidated Schools
  91. Madison-Grant United School Corp.
  92. Marshall County
  93. Mississinewa Community Schools
  94. Perry Central School Corp.
  95. Shelbyville Central School System
  96. Speedway Schools
  97. Starke County
  98. Wolfe’s Auto Auction
  99. Spencer Community School District
  100. Lexington Board of Education
  101. Howard Community College
  102. Russ’ Restaurant
  103. Maritz Research
  104. Blair Community Schools
  105. Plattsmouth Board of Education
  106. Little Falls Board of Education
  107. Lake Township
  108. Lebanon City
  109. Mason
  110. Scrambler Marie’s Restaurants
  111. Westlake
  112. East Penn School District
  113. Southern Lehigh School District
  114. Tredyffrin-Easttown School District
  115. Kelly Professional Cleaning Services
  116. Spartanburg Community College
  117. Matagorda County
  118. Wilson County
  119. Murray School District
  120. Nebo School District
  121. Henrico Country School District
  122. Lynchburg
  123. Clyde’s Restaurant Group
  124. Eminence Community Schools
  125. Faribault
  126. Martin County
  127. Baldwin Public Library
  128. Hayfield Community Schools
  129. Rappahannock Area Community Services Board
  130. Benton Community Schools
  131. Pompton Lakes Board of Education
  132. Sparta Area Schools
  133. Brandywine Heights Area School District
  134. Southern Utah Unversity
  135. Arkansas State University
  136. Texas Christian University
  137. Maricopa Community Colleges
  138. University of Arizona in Tucson
  139. Long Beach
  140. Circle K Southeast
  141. College of DuPage
  142. McHenry County College
  143. Eastern Hancock School Board
  144. Fayette County School Corp.
  145. Fort Wayne Community Schools
  146. Gibson County
  147. Greencastle Community Schools
  148. Hancock Madison Shelby Educational Services
  149. Tipton County
  150. Vigo County School Corp.
  151. White River Valley School District
  152. Zionsville Community Schools
  153. Indianola Community School District
  154. Tama County
  155. Kansas Turnpike Authority
  156. Republic Foods (Burger King franchise operator)
  157. Birmingham
  158. Dearborn
  159. Iosco County
  160. Tuscola County
  161. Douglas County West Community Schools
  162. Papillion-La Vista school district
  163. Westside Community Schools
  164. Carlie C’s
  165. Sinclair Community College
  166. Tipp City
  167. Ephrata Area School District
  168. Dallas County Community College District
  169. Plano
  170. Alpine School District
  171. Deseret Industries (work training for war refugees)
  172. Wise County School Board
  173. Mount Horeb Area School District
  174. Tehama County
  175. Crawford County
  176. Vanderburgh County
  177. Campbell County Social Services Dept.
  178. Dickenson County Public Schools
  179. Grayson County
  180. Strasburg
  181. Wythe County
  182. North Putnam Community Schools
  183. Northwestern School Corp.
  184. Taylor Community Schools
  185. Hanover Township
  186. Middletown Township
  187. Cedar City
  188. Dallas School District
  189. New Mexico State University
  190. General McLane School District
  191. Blue Ridge Community And Technical College
  192. Fountain Fire Dept.
  193. North of the River Recreation and Park District
  194. Charco Broiler
  195. Durango
  196. Mountain Del (Del Taco franchisee)
  197. Daytona State College
  198. Moraine Valley Community College
  199. Bartholomew County
  200. Delaware County
  201. Northwestern Consolidated School District
  202. Richland-Bean Blossom Community School Corp.
  203. Clear Lake School Board
  204. Ocean City
  205. Kalamazoo Valley Community College
  206. St. Clair Community College
  207. Moberly Area Community College
  208. Ralston School District
  209. Springfield Platteview Community Schools
  210. Community College System of New Hampshire
  211. Franklin Township Board of Education
  212. Waldbaum’s Supermarket
  213. Cuyahoga Community College
  214. University of Akron
  215. Upper Arlington City School District
  216. Firstaff Nursing Services Inc.
  217. Lancaster County School District
  218. Penn Manor School District
  219. Susquenita School District
  220. Regal Entertainment Group
  221. Brigham Young University
  222. Chesterfield Public Schools
  223. Chippewa County
  224. Tazewell County
  225. Eastern Greene Schools
  226. Portage
  227. Vassar Public Schools
  228. Richmond Public Schools
  229. Spotsylvania County
  230. Joe Bologna’s Italian Pizzeria & Restaurant
  231. Clinton-Glen Gardner School District
  232. Elmhurst College
  233. Columbus State Community College
  234. AAA Parking
  235. Boone Community School District
  236. Joliet Junior College
  237. Van Buren Township
  238. Mankato
  239. Hudson Valley Community College
  240. Five Guys Burgers and Fries franchise
  241. Akron
  242. Baldwin-Wallace University
  243. Kent State University
  244. Lakeland Community College
  245. Youngstown City Schools
  246.  Lori’s Angels home care
  247. Granite School District
  248. Chesterfield County
  249. Louisa County
  250. Bowling Green State University
  251. Medina City Schools
  252. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
  253. Fairview Park
  254. Shawnee State University
  255. Miami Dade College
  256. Putnam County
  257. Cutchall Management restaurant company
  258. Mount Ephraim Board of Education
  259. CY Farms
  260. Brunswick
  261. Medina
  262. Wytheville Town Council
  263. Christopher Newport University
  264. College of William & Mary
  265. Norfolk State University
  266. Virginia government (all other departments)
  267. Virginia Commonwealth University
  268. Virginia Community College System
  269. Virginia Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control
  270. Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation
  271. Virginia Employment Commission
  272. Washington County
  273. Wytheville
  274. Land’s End
  275. Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
  276. Dept. of Motor Vehicles
  277. George Mason University
  278. James Madison University
  279. Longwood University
  280. Old Dominion University
  281. Radford University
  282. University of Mary Washington
  283. Lomira School District
  284. Lancaster County
  285. Utah Valley University
  286. Columbus
  287. Illinois Valley Community College
  288. Milford Township
  289. New Baltimore
  290. Omega Foods Inc. (Wendy’s franchisee)
  291. Tallmadge
  292. Treadwell Enterprises (Taco Bell franchise operator)
  293. Lake County
  294. Boca Raton
  295. Rock Valley College
  296. Royal Farms convenience stores
  297. Fairlawn
  298. Chesapeake College
  299. Sugarcreek Township
  300. RREMC Restaurants (Denny’s franchisee)
  301. Cedar Falls
  302. Kga Group (Subway franchisee)
  303. Kean University
  304. Stark State College
  305. Youngstown State University
  306. Community College of Allegheny County
  307. Pillar Hotels & Resorts
  308. PMTD Restaurants LLC (a franchisee of KFC)
  309. Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches
  310. Plainfield Park District
  311. Bowlmor Lanes
  312. West Perry School District
  313. Lafayette School Corp.

This isn’t just a list. This represents millions of lives damaged by an out of control president, congress, and Supreme Court. It’s time to fight back.

Share this list everywhere you can. Let people know what’s happening. The media refuses to tell the truth - so it’s time for the people to do it for them.