Obamacare is Failing and Here is Obama's Plan to Fix it

Most of the people who have enrolled in Obamacare so far have been people older than 50, many with pre-existing medical conditions.  However, to make Obamacare financially viable, it will require younger healthier Americans who are willing to pay more money than a mortgage and two car payments combined for a product that they do not need, do not want and will likely not use.

The skew toward the older crowd raises concerns that there will not be enough payments from young people to offset the cost of providing coverage for the older, ailing population, the Wall Street Journal reported.
"We need a broad range of people to make this work, and we're not seeing that right now," Heather Thiltgen of Medical Mutual, one of Ohio's largest insurers, told the Journal. "We're seeing the population skewing older."
If the older drift continues, a more expensive base of customers, older and less healthy would drive up costs for everyone even further than they already have been.  The federal government has committed to reimburse insurers if they underestimated costs.

Under questioning from Maryland Democratic Sen. Mikulski about how the administration would get more young people enrolled, Marilyn Tavenner declinned to detail specifics, but said it would be "a combination of media - both television, radio, and some print."

The campaign would run through December, January, February and March, and would focus on specific markets.  Tavenner would not identify those areas, either.

Ok, so lets try to wrap our heads around what is beginning to look like a B-rated horror movie unfolding before our eyes:
  • Obama promised that "The Affordable Health Care Act" would make health insurance "Affordable" for everyone.  Instead it is completely Unaffordable for most Americans.  And in many case will force people into extreme poverty.  All because they are being forced to either buy a product they don't want or pay a fine for not buying a product they don't want.
  • Obama promised that if you liked your current health care plan that you could keep it and that nobody was going to take it away from you. Period.  Instead millions of people have already had their coverage canceled because of Obamacare and that number is projected to reach over 93 Million.
  • $634 Million of tax payer dollars was spent just to create the website to sell this disaster and it didn't even work.  More money is being spent to fix the website as we speak.
  • Insurance companies have been told that they will be given more American tax dollars if they don't feel they are making enough money off of us.
  • $130,000 of tax payer money was given to an NFL team to promote Obamacare.
  • A $500,000 grant has been given to write Obamacare into Hollywood plot lines.
Now at this point it is painfully clear to any sane person with an ounce of common sense that Obamacare is a complete disaster that should have never been allowed to get this far and the only reasonable and logical coarse of action to take now would be to repeal it...right?

But what is the Obama Administration's plan to "fix this?"  Throw even more American Tax Money into the media over the next few months to spread Obamacare Propaganda believing that it will dumb down the American people to accept this nightmare.

Forget about the fact that the entire concept of forcing people to buy a private section product or face a government penalty is completely insane.

Forget about the fact that most people can not afford this and for many buying the product or paying the fine will be completely impossible and is nothing short of a death sentence.

Nope...just throw more of our tax dollars into spreading lies.  That is the Obama way.

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