Are Obamacare Supporters Really as Stupid as the Act?

I realize that there was obviously enough people in the country who didn't want to be called a racist to elect Obama not once but twice (of coarse many of those were illegal aliens who should not have been allowed to vote). 

And I realize that many people were blinded by Obama's "promises" about what the Affordable Health Care Act was all about.  Since nobody, not even congress, was allowed to actually see what was in the Act before it was passed, Obama's promises were all anyone had to go on.

But now that the facts are out, now that premiums are skyrocketing, now that people are losing jobs and losing hours, now that even more people than before will not be able to afford health insurance, and now that it has been made painfully clear that Obamacare is nothing but a control system to force every American citizen to buy a private sector product or face a tax/fine if they don't want or can't afford can it be possible that anyone would still support this complete disaster?

I have noticed that anytime I share a post from this blog to any facebook page, there are a handful of people that immediately start slamming me in the comments of that post.  And it's always the same people and no matter what time of day or night that I post, they are right there within seconds. 

Now first of all the fact that they begin commenting within seconds proves that they don't ever actually click on or read the story that is being posted.  They just see that it is in opposition to the Obamacare law and start commenting.  And most of the time there comments are not in anyway related to the subject of the actual post they are commenting on. 

I even had one person argue with me at great length trying to convince me that the individual mandate in Obamacare was just a "GOP Lie" and that not only was Obamacare completely free for everyone but that is was completely optional and anyone who did not want it would not face any penalties.

Another common theme by these people is to label me and everyone who opposes Obamacare as a "Tea Bagger".  Which is kind of funny in and of itself.  For one I do not consider myself a member of the Tea Party, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.  I am simply and American citizen who is speaking up and defending my personal rights and freedoms.  Is it really so strange to these people that people can be for or against a law without labeling themselves into a particular political party?

Now either this handful of people never sleep and have nothing better to do with their time but troll facebook forums and blogs in an attempt to go out of their way to redefine the very concept of stupidity.


These accounts are being manned by multiple people who are being paid by the Obama Administration to spread propaganda and try to discredit anyone who speaks out against the administration or it's train wreck of a law.  Considering that the Obama Administration just paid an NFL team $130,000 of tax payer dollars to advertise Obamacare, I think that it is at least possible.

Now I'm not saying that every single person on facebook that supports Obamacare is a  paid Obama employee.  Some of them really are just stupid.  But when you see the same accounts commenting propaganda and repeating Obama's sales pitches which are clearly lies and have been proven so, then you have to ask yourself what else is going on other then simple stupidity.

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