Obamacare Economics

This post is for BOTH Obamacare supporters AND those who know that this train wreck of a law must be repealed.

Below is a 2.25 inch pin back button for sale.  If you wish you may purchase this button for a price of $2.95 plus .75 cents shipping and handling. If however, you are an Obamacare supporter and do not wish to purchase this button then you will need to pay a non-purchase fee of $5.95.  You will not receive anything in return for your money, this is simply your fee for not buying the button.  As an Obamacare supporter you should not have a problem with this since this type of complete bullshit is exactly what you are supporting in the first place so please proceed to the donate button just below the image right now and put your money towards something that you do not support just in the same way that you expect the rest of us to be forced to pay our money for something that we don't support.  Thank you!

Share this page and ask Obamacare supporters if this sounds logical to them.




  1. I want an exemption. Please send my free button!

    1. I'm sorry PTripp, so that I can follow the same set of rules that Obamacare as set out as an example, I can only give exemptions to my close personal friends and family and those that pay me large brib...errr I mean those that lobby for my support...LOL
