Is Barack Obama the new Adolf Hitler

Over the past couple of years I have seen story after story warning about how Obama was positioning himself to assume a dictatorship role in American.  And every time I would reject that notion and tell that is impossible, that could never happen in America.

However, over the past few days I have seen terrifying signs that suggest that very scenario is upon us right now.

Yesterday, I saw a story about a warning issued by UK members of the United Nations about dramatic changes within the United States government that are coming and could happen overnight.  Supposedly this was based on information obtained from intelligence sources within the US Government.  I have been trying to discount that story as being most likely false.

However, I woke up this morning to a story about an MSNBC Host stating that the "Constitution" is to be blamed for the current government shutdown.  No..REALLY...this is what he says:

"The political dysfunction that has brought about the shutdown and now threatens default, isn't so much gridlock. It is exposing the fatal flaw in our Constitution and highly distinct system of government. In other words, it's the Constitution's fault. Something truly catastrophic was bound to happen sooner or later."
Read the full story and watch the video of the guy here.

So it appears that the Constitution is being targeted right now because it does not give Obama unlimited power.

Now add to that the fact that we have in place right now laws that would allow a US President to assume full and total control over the government by declaring a National Emergency.  These laws were put in place in the event of a major catastrophic event where it would be hard to reach all members of congress.  However, I have heard Obama use the terms "National Emergency" and "Catastrophic Event" to describe the situation we are facing with the government shutdown right now.

Now I admit it, I ignored all of the warning signs over the past few years and I know that there are plenty of people reading this and saying.."I told you so".  And to honest I am still hoping that all of the is completely wrong.

But if you will do just a little's not hard and won't take long.  You can find plenty of stories on google and plenty of videos on youtube that outline the similarities between Hitler and Obama.  And when you look at the similarities between Hitler's rise to power and what we have already seen in Obama, it is more than just a little scary.  In fact, it looks to me as if Obama, from the time he first started campaigning for the President, was using the life history of Hitler as a career template.

So, is the Obama administration testing the waters so to speak to find out what the American peoples response would be to the idea of abolishing the Constitution and our system of government?  What is your reaction to that prospect? 

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