President Obama Says - Can't Pay Your Mortgage? "You're a Deadbet!"

President Barack Obama (The Commander-in-Chief-of-Debt) had the audacity to call millions of Americans who have struggled to pay their monthly mortgages after the housing bubble that the Democrat Party created, DEADBEATS.

"I say, imagine in your private life, if you decided that I'm not going to pay my martgage for a month or two - first of all you're not saving money by not paying your mortgage. you're just a deadbeat. And you can anticipate that will hurt your credit."
...wait...what did he just say?
"If you don't pay your mortgage, you are just a deadbeat" - Seriously?

So if you are one of the millions of Americans struggles to survive in current economy then you are a "deadbeat".  Well I guess that explains the logic that had to be used to create something so completely insane as Obamacare.  He must think that all of the tens of millions of American's that don't have health insurance and just deadbeats. Because we "choose" to buy food to feed our children instead of throwing it away on health insurance that will never pay a dime if we actually had to use it because of the high deductibles that apparently makes us deadbeats.

His is a question for our all powerful and wise Commander-in-Chief.  When it comes to a choice between insurance and food.  Where is the logic in choosing insurance when we are going to be dead in a few days from starvation?

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