Obama and His Supporters Now Blaming the Insurance Companies for Obama's Lies

Let me start out by saying that I am in no way a fan of insurance companies.  However, not even I am buying the Obama Administration's latest pass the buck effort to now blame the insurance companies for Obama's broken promises and outright lies.

In the video below we see Megyn  Kelly attempt to get Rep. Frank Pallone to address the issue that millions of Americans are being told that their health care plans are being canceled due to Obamacare even though President Obama has repeatedly promised us all that "if you like your current plan you can keep it...Period".

Pallone refuses to ever address Kelly's question.  Instead he just repeatedly says that the policies that are being canceled are "lousy policies" and that people can get better policies for a cheaper price under Obamacare.

Not only are people losing their current plans that they were promised by Obama they would not lose, but the plans they are being forced to buy are anything but cheaper.

The fact is that the policies that are being canceled are being canceled because Obamacare requires a list of benefits that all health care plans must include for all Americans.  This list of benefits include Maturity Care and Mental Health Care.

So everyone including single men are required to have coverage to pay the cost of delivering the baby Obama seems to believe they will one day deliver.

After watching this video I can certainly see why Frank Pallone would consider coverage for Mental Health Disorders to be essential for himself and other Obamacare supporters who refuse to join the rest of us in reality but not everyone needs that coverage.

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